Clare Hammond and Clara Mascaro on using Cost Benefit Analysis to justify investing in prevention. The saying goes: “It’s better to build a fence at the top of a cliff than to park an ambulance at the bottom.” And this common-sense notion that it is better to prevent than to cure has in the last decade also […]
Why employment initiatives need focus on poverty reduction
Does public investment into employment and skills programmes create and worsen in-work poverty? Caroline Masundire reflects on the challenge in London and why we need to focus on poverty reduction rather than just any old job. The challenge facing people who are unemployed or stuck in low paid employment in London is unprecedented. Whilst we […]
A broken fingernail and the #forgottenmany in Richmond
Why we need to rethink how we fund need and look beyond the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. A few months ago, I was chatting to a group of my peers at a networking event about all things London. It was going well until a wave of incredulity swept over me followed by a collective rolling of eyes, […]
2017 Rich List . Challenges and opportunities for London
John Griffiths reflects on the opportunities for London by rethinking philanthropy in the capital. The Sunday Times’ publication of the Rich List 2017 shows that the rich are getting richer. The wealthiest 1000 individuals, who enjoy a combined total wealth of £685 billion, saw this increase by 14%, or £82.5 billion, in the last year.[1] […]
Inclusive impact at The Yard – capturing ALL voices
How can you involve vulnerable young people and their families in measuring social impact? Clare Hammond talks about our work for The Yard in Scotland, developing their first Social Return on Investment report. We have been working with The Yard Scotland and their community since June 2016. The Yard provides safe play spaces and respite […]
Funders fix your forms! Here’s how
Forms, forms, forms – a necessary evil in grant-making, but how can we make them less frustrating for applicants and funders? James Turner gives his advice! Endless questions. Impossible questions. Pointless questions. These are the Big Three faults of funding application forms. I’ve been on both sides of the fence – both designing the forms […]
Charities – down to the wire
Small and medium charities are struggling to survive. In this article, Caroline Masundire reflects on the reasons why and what needs to be done to support them in the future. Many small and medium sized charities are bearing the brunt of austerity – losing grants and contracts whilst managing increasing demand for their services which […]
What could Sadiq Khan do for BIDs in London?
Why we need to carry on supporting the BID movement in London. John Griffiths offers his thoughts for the Mayor for London. One of Boris Johnson’s final acts as Mayor of London was to announce he had achieved his 2012 manifesto target of seeing 50 Business Improvement Districts set up in the capital. London’s reaching […]
School Ties
Small businesses can play a really important role in helping young people transition from education into work. Richard Scothorne reflects on his work for the Federation of Small Business in Scotland, School Ties. Small businesses are vital partners for schools in helping young people make a successful transition to work. This is the key conclusion of […]