Helen Killingley

Helen Killingley headshot on green background

Helen Killingley – Advisory Panel

Helen Killingley has over 15 years of experience in the charity and sports sectors. Her passion lies in philanthropic grant-making and designing accessible services to support those in need. Her journey has been marked by a commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. As a visionary leader, Helen has spearheaded initiatives that bridge gaps, empower communities, and create lasting impact.

She has made significant contributions to various organisations, most recently as trustee at Access Sport and Operations Director at National Emergencies Trust. Helen’s dynamic spirit keeps her at the forefront of her field, making her a force for positive change. Helen’s need to horizon scan is not just a quirk; it’s a superpower. She constantly seeks out emerging trends, disruptive technologies, and fresh approaches. Whenever the opportunity presents itself she’s itching to get out on the bike or go for a walk to take in those horizons!