Gianluca Palombo

Gianluca Palombo – Associate

Gianluca is a Research Associate at Rocket Science. Since completing his International Relations MSc at the University of Glasgow in 2017, he has worked freelance with a number of charities and organisations including Scottish Refugee Council, Ecorys, Rocket Science and Migration Policy Scotland. In academia, Gianluca has worked for both Anglia Ruskin University and Queen Margaret University, researching and teaching topics such as integration, nature engagement, social inequality and health systems. Gianluca has also worked extensively in the third sector in Scotland, managing a vocational training programme for CodeYourFuture and organising refugee rights campaigns for Maryhill Integration Network.

In recent years, Gianluca has researched and evaluated integration services in Scotland and England, while presenting, writing academic papers and also developing policy briefings in these areas and others. Gianluca is interested in researching, evaluating and developing projects with a social focus, especially those that incorporate participant action and other social action-based elements. 

Little weaknesses

  • Needlessly stockpiling food recipes
  • Refusing to admit defeat when trying to read books that are simply too long
  • Forgetting to take a waterproof or umbrella when leaving the house (I live in Scotland)