When seeking support for a mental health condition, young people are often required to navigate a complex system of statutory and voluntary sector service. What can we learn from existing advocacy models to improve young people’s awareness and take up of various health services? […]
Catching up with our digital progression in health and social care
The progression in the use of digital technologies to support virtual services in the health and social care sectors has been fast. What have we seen and how can we catch up? […]
Is our social security system universally challenged?
Is now the time to start to think about a more universal approach to social security? This blog explores how Covid-19 presents an opportunity for change. […]
Grantmaking and Civil Society in the Age of Coronavirus
As we begin to transition from the emergency response to the pandemic and plan society’s long-term recovery, there appears to be an opportunity to define a new form of social contract and radically rethink relationships between government and civil society. […]
The Review of Reviews Reviewed…
The past is constantly being reviewed and reinterpreted through the lens of the present. The author of last year’s Review of Reviews looks back to see what we can still draw on from several pre-Covid strategies to inform our future planning for civil society’s recovery. […]
Domestic abuse and Covid-19 what next?
Covid-19 has had a direct impact on the rise of domestic abuse. How has government responded and what do we need next to support survivors. […]
We need to prevent Covid-19 halting the progress we have made on health and work.
Reflections on our learning and experience of innovations in health and work and what we can do to minimise impacts Covid-19 will have on employees with health conditions […]
How can we help people avoid money crisis as a result of Covid-19
Much has been written about the potentially devastating impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on people’s finances. What has been talked about less is how this has affected people’s financial wellbeing and what kind of support people need as a result. […]
Covid, Coffee and Catchup – join the conversation about employment support
Over the past month, we have been holding informal discussions with employment leads in Local Authorities, providers and funders to think about what employment support responses are needed as we move from crisis to recovery. We have done some thinking about the need for greater coherence locally and the role local authorities can play as […]
What is the new normal for labour markets?
The impact of Covid-19 will dominate the work we do for the foreseeable future. The DWP has done a remarkable job in managing the demand for UC registration, but as we emerge from the emergency planning phase, what lies in store? […]