Exploring the relationship between experience of trauma and involvement in the criminal justice system. Emerging approaches from Scotland which have potential to transform justice outcomes across the UK […]
Three words could transform the employment and skills system
One of the main tasks of any employment and skills review is understanding ‘what is out there’ and ‘what the impact it is having’. This blog suggests an idea to these problems. […]
A 2020 Vision of UK Civil Society
Rocket Science’s London Director, John Griffiths, reflects on what Brexit really means for UK civil society and some implications for its funders […]
No one is hard to reach if we are doing it right – effective community engagement
Government strategies, funders’ focus, and community need is all going in one direction – a growing emphasis on helping those who most need it. This post explores the lessons learned about what works when it comes to community engagement. […]
What makes a good outcomes framework?
A fundamental must do across public and third sector organisations is to be able to understand and evidence the change you are creating. Measuring outcomes is the bread and butter of organisations, and certainly the area of focus of a large portion of our work here at Rocket Science. […]
There is more to gain from employment than income
Employment can have a positive impact on people’s mental health and wellbeing. In the final of a three-part blog series on employability and mental health, we look at what mental health services gain from integrating employability into their service provision […]
How employability providers are adapting
In this second of a three-part blog series on employability and mental health, we talk through four lessons of how employability providers are adapting to the mental health challenge […]
News: Consultation opens for new Knowledge Hub
To help, the Mayor of London’s Skills for Londoners Strategy and ensuing Framework proposed a new Skills and Employment Knowledge Hub. In May and June, we are running workshops to seek input from stakeholders across Greater London, exploring ways to make the Knowledge Hub sustainable. […]
When is a distance travelled tool a bad idea?
Distance travelled tools are a popular way of understanding the progression someone has made through a service. They are almost a standard part of any funder or commissioner’s monitoring ask and certainly feature heavily in evaluations and impact measurement. Clare Hammond explores when and how to use distance travelled tools […]
What it’s like to work at Rocket Science
Three Rocket Scientists give an insight into their day-to-day work […]