Interim Director of Scotland – Edinburgh office
Sara is Interim Director of Scotland supporting the delivery and further development of our work in Scotland, as well as helping to further progress trauma-informed approaches across all of our work at Rocket Science. Sara is an experienced social researcher, with a strong track record of leading research and policy initiatives in Scotland. She worked for over 20 years in social research and policy roles in the Scottish Government. Sara has experience of undertaking research and using evidence to inform policy and practice on a wide-range of issues including tackling health inequalities, taking place-based approaches, and facilitating healthy childhood development. Most recently, she was the Scottish Government lead on work relating to psychological trauma, adverse childhood experiences, and progressing trauma-informed approaches.
Specialist areas:
- Adverse childhood experiences and psychological trauma
- Trauma-informed approaches
- Improving population health and tackling health inequalities
- Partnership working to influence policy and practice
- Social research methods and collating insights across multiple and complex evidence sources
- West Yorkshire Adversity, Trauma and Resilience
- Aberdeen ABZ Works Young Parents Employability Study
Little weaknesses:
- Chocolate (especially with nuts)
- Persisting with (but still not embracing) cold water swimming
- Podcasts