Community Action for Partnerships in Health

Monday 3rd July 2023 by Michael Theodorou

Community Action for Partnerships in Health – a funding opportunity for London communities

The Legacy Health & Equity Partnership (LHEP) in collaboration with the GLA Resilience Team are providing funding for local organisations to build stronger community resilience through direct engagement with communities impacted by health inequality and the development of sustainable relationships between health partners and community-led organisations. This microgrants programme is focussed on the following themes:

  • Hearing and responding to community health priorities
  • Improving community access to health services
  • Developing sustainable methods of building partnership between communities and health services.

Click here to access the full microgrants prospectus.


To be eligible for support your organisation must:

  • be a not for profit
  • have a turnover from the previous year of less than £500,000
  • be based in London and delivering for Londoners
  • be able to provide a copy of your governing documents and your most recent audited accounts or accounts signed by an independent and qualified accountant for your last financial year.

Your programme must:

  • deliver between 15th September 2023 – 31st March 2024
  • require funding of up to:
    • £2,000 to support a short community action project such as a one day event or up to
    • £5,000 for a small grant to support a series of community action sessions/programme of work
  • address one or more of the Community Health Partnership microgrants themes:
    • A programme of work or project to build stronger relationships between communities and health services to increase trust in the NHS and support services to respond to community health priorities
    • A programme of work or project to reduce health inequalities in access to or experience of health services to improve the health and wellbeing of London communities
    • A programme of work or project to support communities to navigate health services or improve the cultural competence of services, mitigating health inequalities within underserved London communities
  • implement a work programme, gather community insights, or design and deliver against the themes of the grant programme
  • include the following costs:
    • Contributions to staff or freelancer costs for their time
    • Equipment costs – phone bills, printing, IT or other associated equipment needed to support communities to access your project
    • Translation and interpretation costs
    • Volunteer costs – including expenses, essential training, volunteer supervision, volunteer wellbeing costs, and other costs not normally incurred
    • Costs for food and drink
    • Costs associate with making community-facing events fully accessible e.g., BSL sign language or a hearing loop
    • Organisational overheads up to 10%.

What you can apply for

You can apply for £2,000 or £5,000 to support you to implement a work programme, gather community insights, or design and deliver an original initiative coherent with the themes of the grant programme.

Grants will be allocated to ensure diverse representation of activity as well as considerations of geographical spread.

Key dates

  • The programme has now closed. A list of funded projects and impact to date can be found here

How to apply


The Legacy and Health Equity Partnership (LHEP) is an NHS-funded, multi-stakeholder programme for London that builds on lessons learnt from COVID and seeks to mitigate health inequalities in screening, immunisations and access to health. LHEP focuses on innovative and sustainable approaches developed and delivered in collaboration with London communities and with London health partners including NHSE, UKHSA, OHID, GLA, ADPH and London Councils.


The GLA Resilience Team focuses on working across partners to strengthen responses to the challenges and risks London faces. The team have a specific focus on building community resilience to emergencies. This includes working with local authorities, community and voluntary sector partners, faith groups and more.